December 19, 2022
The Cottontails Bunny Biscuit Recipe

If you've been following 'The Cottontails 24 Bunnies of Advent' I've been sharing on social media this month you may have spotted yesterday's bunny biscuit cutters...
I've stocked bunny biscuit cutters at Cottontails for years now - they sit in the 'Little Kitchen' department along with some kitchen toys and wooden food, and come in various sizes from mini cutters (2-4cm) up to a 15cm cutter for those who love giant bunnies!
A few years ago I decided it might be nice to create a biscuit recipe to use with them, and after a lot of serious research and serious biscuit-eating, came up with an (incredibly simple) recipe for sweet, crispy buttery biscuits.
I put the recipe in a little paper catalogue / book I sent out to customers about ten years ago - and this day I get emails from people who bake them - which is is absolutely lovely.
So - here it is - The Cottontails Bunny Biscuit Recipe - sweet crispy butter biscuits that work perfectly with any of my bunny cutters. Enjoy!
Cottontails Bunny Biscuits
1 tsp vanilla essence
100g golden caster sugar
200g butter
300g plain flour, sifted
In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then stir in vanilla essence.
Add sifted flour and mix together until crumbs come together - don't overwork the mixture.Turn out, wrap in clingfilm and rest in the fridge for at least an hour. (Overnight is fine - I tried. I have also tried sticking them in the freezer for five minutes instead and this also seemed to do the trick.)
Preheat oven to 160*c / fan 140*c / gas 3 and cover baking trays with baking parchment
Place dough on floured surface, cover with clingfilm (to prevent rolling pin sticking) and roll out to 5mm thick.
Carefully cut out bunny shapes using my bunny biscuit cutters and place on baking trays.
Use a cocktail stick to give each bunny an eye.
Bake for about 15 minutes until golden.
Transfer to a wire rack to cool and crisp up.

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